
The Pressure Customer

This customer is almost like the “Keep-Asking Customer” only that this shopper takes it to every level possible. Can’t satisfy his/her needs, they will certainly put so much pressure on you until you give in. They are like a pittbull that will not let go until they have the answer they wanted to hear. They do not care if they are in the wrong because in their head everyone is wrong except them.

Not having it in the store is not going to stop them. You, supervisors and managers are going to have to stop, drop and roll for this customer to get what they need by yesterday. I always shake my head with this customer, e.g. it is Halloween and you decide to come in last minute for a costume and make up and you actually expect to find it here. Or Back To School, did you forget that there are other kids that need school supplies and not just your child? Sorry to disappoint you but that stuff was sold out fast. The early bird catches the worm, remember that phrase? 

Well I do try to give you alternatives but you are just not happy with any of the options I give you and for some reason in your mind this is the only store on the earth you can get these products at. Come on, think outside the box! Go explore your surroundings and voila, look at that, there are actually other stores close by where you can find those products. Yeah, but just complain and tell us how we never have anything on hand because YOU failed to buy things on time.

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