
The Keep-Asking Customer

Easily to be spotted if you pay attention to a sales debate between the customer and associate. This buyer just does not know when to stop.

Customer: Do you have this item on hand?
Associate: No.
Customer: Well do you have it in the warehouse possibly? Can you check if another store has it? 

As associates we are condemned to do all that we can to satisfy the customers needs but at some point, you have to realize that there may be NO ALTERNATIVE! Can you live with that? How many times have I been sent back to warehouse to look for a single item. Exactly, too many to count! A SINGLE item, customers are you aware that our warehouse is not the size of your bedroom but as big as a one family house with hundreds of thousands of items. And not only that, you expect us to find everything in seconds. As I said before hundreds of thousands of items, some things take time to look for! And I am sure you do not know the feeling when you return with nothing in your hands. The disappointment is written on your face like a billboard on the highway. And then there are times we are lucky to find the oh-so-really-needed-item-I-cant-wait-another-day, sometimes you are grateful and praise us to the heavens and then there are times where you will keep looking around and just set it back. So I wasted a good fifteen minutes just so you can set it down and tell your child, “oh we will get it next time”. Ofcourse you will never hear this, what is actually going through our heads. We smile back and tell you E-V-E-R-Y time that it is no problem.

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