
The Customer-Who-Never-Picks-Up-What He/She Drops

This customer unknowingly reflects themselves of how tidy they are in their own home. Many times I have noticed how sneaky this kind of customer can be. Oh, let me go through the clothing aisles with my big fat stroller and knock every Tshirt there is off the hanger and act like it never happened. 

Opps, I forgot I am the one being paid for this; to bend my back (causing the number 1 injury at the workplace) and picking up after YOU or YOUR children who feel like the store is a huge playground. If you see that you knocked it down, what is so hard for you to pick that item up and place it back. I don’t expect eldery people or pregnant women to do this but if you are physically healthy, just do us the favor. It might not seem like a big deal to you but remember you times a hundred a day is a lot of back bending and putting the clothes in the right spot.

I have also had this customer look me dead in the face and drop something and just kick the item under something else just to not have “seen” what had happened. As many other companies we are low on staff and this can be very time consuming just running behind you and picking up things, making it hard for us to accomplish other things to your favor. 

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