
The Start of Something Great!

At first this blog was all a silly idea (actually it was supposed to be a book but I think that a blog is faster to update and can reach out to more people). I would come home from work and still feel exhausted about the customers, coworkers and supervisors I had to deal with. I started realizing patterns and things that would really stand out and certainly get on my nerves. As I shared my idea with friends and certain coworkers I realized they were going through the same things with their customers and for many of them this blog is their cry for help.

Many people expect retail associates to always be friendly and act almost like robots but to be honest we all are humans. We have days when we shine but also have days that are our doom and if you get cranky with us then, just be careful because you might get something you didn’t ask for. We have problems and issues we have to deal with in- and outside of our job and sometimes it is just hard for us to separate them. I mean, you have to admit to yourself, you as a customer aren’t always the easiest to get along with, so why would you expect it from us. Your excuse is always, “well you get paid for that”. True but we don’t get paid to babysit YOUR children, to solve YOUR personal issues or to even put up with YOUR unthankful attitude. 

We drag ourselves into work every day to fulfill everyone’s needs and sometimes it just takes a toll on us. So instead of keeping things for myself or just ranting to my coworkers and family, I decided to put an end to it all and work on what only started out as a list of specific customers. I am sure everyone has caught themselves being one of these customers, even myself.

This blog is not to offend anyone, so don't take it to heart but maybe stop and rethink before acting. I hope this blog opens the eyes of customers and maybe even associates. I just wish all the best for the associates struggling and that there may be a way to work things out.

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